Thursday, May 17, 2007

Something Fun

In the spirit of spring, light heartedness and blogs - here's something fun. Of course, what is fun, can also be controversial - so this is perfect for a library blog. And, after all, aren't we all patriots? So without further delay, here's a video link with narration by one of my all-time favorite actors:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Summer Reading 2007

Get a Clue @ your library is the 2007 Summer Reading Theme. We'd love to hear how things are going and what you've got planned. The blog would be a great place to ask questions, and to share specifics about your summer program (like dates, special events, programs, attendance numbers, what's working, what's not, etc.) It provides the opportunity for others to chime in, and acts as an archive of what is shared, so we can look back for things we may have missed or need reminded of. Feel free to visit as often as you like, or provide a clue for others to solve:
  1. What famous author is pictured with Brenda in this photo, and where are they?